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Why did Dennis Resign from Bank 10 years ago?

Written by Dennis Ng on .

Welcome to the 133rd Issue of Weekly e-newsletter by This week I like to share with you "Why did Dennis resign from bank 10 years ago?”

If you have a chance to learn from one of China's Top Entrepreneurs, would you be interested?

From 29 Jul 2010 to 1 Aug 2010, for 4 days, I'll be in China, learning from Huang Ming, 黄鸣 one of the very successful entrepreneurs in China, who will be sharing how he applied Business concepts in his business, with explanation of the Business Concepts by one of my sifus, "Lin Wei Xian".

China Investors, will Soon Be the No. 1 Foreign Buyers of Singapore Properties

Written by Dennis Ng on .

As mentioned in my seminars, for Mass Market condos, the "price ceiling" is income affordability, since these are properties bought mainly for Home stay. 

For High End Prime District Properties, including in District 4 (Sentosa), the comparison is Prices in other major cities, such as Hong Kong and Shanghai. And this might surprise some people that Prime properties' prices in Singapore is about 1/3 or even 1/2 of that in Hong Kong and Shanghai, and no wonder the China investors who come to Singapore will "sound" like Singaporeans "shopping" on overseas Trips, saying:"Cheap, Cheap, Cheap...."

Free Talk by Dennis: Tips on Property Financing on 6 Jun 2010 (Sun)

Written by Dennis Ng on .

Welcome to the 133rd Issue of Weekly e-newsletter by This week I like to share with you "Millionaire Tips on Property Financing"

Dennis Ng, founder of has been invited to conduct a talk "Millionaire Tips to Property Financing" on 6 Jun 2010 (Sun) at Asia Investment Conference and Exhibition Seminar Room 3 from 12 pm to 12.45 pm at Suntec City Convention Hall Level 6, 601. Event is organised by SIAS (Securities Investors' Association of Singapore).