Unbiased Professional Service Better than a typical Bank Staff
The first question I asked Novel of www.HousingLoanSG.com was “Why should I apply Housing Loan through HousingLoanSG.com and not directly through the banks?”
Novel was responsive, providing details of the various packages within the day. She also provided an unbiased advice and comparisons between different banks and packages. She gave me the confidence that I gain when engaging HousingLoanSG.com instead of going directly to the banks, individually. Her grasp of the difference between packages has provided me with a very good understanding of each package, which allowed me to choose the best loan for my house. The loan was speedily processed and approved without the overhead of a face-to-face talk. I commend her services and would gladly introduce Novel to my family and friends.
The entire process was smooth, beyond what I expected - Leonard Sim